lifespan of a leaf

The leaves begin
so beautifully
green. Hanging from
branches lovingly
and intelligently placed
to do their work.

The colors change.
They hang still,
lovely in their aging.

Then the fall,
at first a delight,
piled and crunching
as we walk
secretly skipping steps
to hit one with a particularly
appetizing crunch.

But then the
rains come and
the leaves loose
their edges,
becoming only
a soggy mush
clinging to my boot.

8 thoughts on “lifespan of a leaf

  1. Leaves have always intrigued me..
    Thought you might like this.


    Bleeding trees don’t all die.
    Into our lives a lot will pry.

    The driest seed will germinate,
    Its pains would compensate.

    All leaves die, dry and fall,
    Surely will those today so tall.

    The little shoots rises we know,
    So will all small people grow.

    Every growing bud has its own day,
    Eluding this fear of joy is our way.

  2. Pingback: Thank you to The Blue Hour Magazine « The Sand County

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